May 06, 2007

Pilot at 17 but I can't drive a car

PLANE crazy Taner Isgoren has become a fully-fledged pilot at 17 - but still hasn't got a licence to DRIVE.

He is probably Britain's youngest qualified flier after training that cost £8,000.

Taner, who saved up from his paper round to achieve his dream, said: "I've wanted to be a pilot since I was 14. I had my pilot's licence before I got behind the wheel of a car but have had a few driving lessons since. My friends think it's funny."

Taner, of Coventry, West Mids, hopes to go on to fly jetliners. Mum Sabitha, 42, said: "He took me for a flight and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Watching your son fly a plane is an incredible experience."

Taner works for a freight firm at the city's airport. Boss Leonard Perkins said: "We are very proud of him."


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